Why would you like to work at Jetties (Macomb)?
What other positions would you like to be considered for?
What type of job would you like to apply for?
Click to apply
When are you available to start working at Jetties (Macomb)?
Select the date that you are available to start work.
Please start with your most recent work experience.
Choose your availability.
If you have full open availability you can choose "Open Availability" below, or choose shifts based on the day.
If hired, can you furnish proof that you are 18 years of age, or if under 18, do you have a permit to work?
Will you be able to perform the functions demanded for the job for which you are applying?
Can you, if offered a position, provide original documents that establish your identity and eligibility to work in the United States?
How did you hear about us?
Have you worked at any of our restaurants in the past?